August 31, 2016

Let's talk about weeds!


That seems to be a very popular topic right now.  So let's talk :)

Weeds are considered any undesirable plant and they are very undesirable (especially when they over-run everything!)

Have you ever noticed how some properties don't seem to have any weed problems and others can't stop them from growing? There could be many reasons (having a landscaper for one :) but it also depends on where your property is and what is around and next to it. A home sitting next to a vacant lot or open land will have a much harder time controlling the weeds than a home sitting in a developed HOA. Why is this?

Weeds carry with them seeds just like any other plant. And when they are mature those seeds drop, get blown around by wind, etc. They go everywhere! So, the home next to open land will have many more weed seeds blowing around and being carried by the wind. Whereas the home in a developed HOA won't have as many as the HOA's usually have strict guidelines about how properties should and shouldn't look.

But there are quite a few things you can do to help eliminate or at least control them.

To help eliminate them, a pre-emergent can be applied. This is applied twice a year to HELP prevent weeds from coming up. This is not a 100% guarantee solution. However, it is a great way to help with your weed population. This works best if applied regularly twice a year. It kinda works as a barrier on the soil where the weed seed hits the chemical layer, disforms it, and doesn't allow it to grow. This helps to control about 80% of the variety of weeds.

Another way to help eliminate them is to hire a landscaper or grounds maintenance company (like us!!) This way you don't have to worry at all about the weeds. They may still be in your yard but you know that they will soon be taken care of.

Since we are on the subject of maintenance let's talk about the different options we have available as it relates to weed control:

1. Monthly service - this is where we come on a scheduled day once a month. This would not be an effective solution if you know that you get a lot of weeds.

2. Bi-weekly service - this is done every other week on a scheduled day. This option is much better than monthly for weeds. Weeds tend to grow a LOT when we get rain!

3. Weekly service - where we come each and every week. This is the best option, especially if you want your yard looking tip-top all the time. This allows us to get weeds while they are small and haven't had the opportunity to start producing seeds.

We still have many mix and match options when it comes to yard maintenance but that's the basics for you.

But what if you don't want someone to take care of your yard on a regular basis? Because in reality, you could do it yourself! I don't know about you, but I tend to get busy sometimes. And sometimes things happen or come up or I just don't want to do yard work. And then do you know what happens? Yep! I'm in trouble! My yard has turned into a huge mess and instead of spending an hour outside I'm going to have to spend all day!

If that has happened to you we are here to help! We also offer one-time services!

Here are some of those options as well:

1. Weed-eat, rake, and spray - This option is great if you have tall weeds and a big mess. We will weed-eat them down as close to the ground as we can, rake up the weeds, and then spray them all with a chemical solution.

2. Weed-eat and rake - This option is great if you want the weeds cleaned up but don't want or need them sprayed. We just weed-eat them as close to the ground as possible, rake them up and haul them away!

3. Weed-eat and let lay - This is popular if you have a large property or area that you just need knocked down. We'll just come in a weed-eat all those weeds and grass.

4. Spot Spray - This is a chemical application that we use to "spot spray" the weeds. Meaning, that if we see a weed we will spray it. This is not like the pre-emergent. This is a post-emergent. It will not be applied to the entire area but only to the weeds that are seen. This option may need to be repeated frequently during the growing season.

5. Weed pulling - And then there is an option to hand-pull the weeds. This option is great if you want to get most of the weed root out of the ground. However, it is the most expensive option that we have as it takes quite a bit of man-power and time.

Do you have any questions about weed control in Arizona?

Are you in need of some help?

Contact us - we'd love to help you out!

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